Welcome to OKTA Calgary

What is OKTA?

세계한인무역협회 World-OKTA (World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations)


1981년에 설립되어 모국의 경제발전과 수출촉진을 위하여 활동해 오고 있으며, 750만 재외동포 중 최대의 한민족 해외 경제네트워크로서 전 세계 71개국 150개지회에 7,000여명의 재외동포 CEO들과 차세대 경제인 21,000여명으로 구성된 재외동포 경제인 단체


Established in 1981, it has been working to promote economic development of KOREA and exports. As the largest Korean overseas economic network among 7.5 million Koreans living abroad, it has over 7,000 overseas Korean CEOs and 21,000 next-generation entrepreneurs in 150 branches in 71 countries around the world.

OKTA Calgary's Focus 2025


OKTA Calgary gives off good energy, give their time, their expertise, their network and their passion.



OKTA Calgary also gains insight, network, one another's positive energy, knowledge, and anything of value.

Go GROW Together

By Giving and Gaining, We Simply

Grow Together


Events 2025

Social Mixer 2025

Our 2025 Official 1st Event. We want to bring all of you our friends and families in business and in careers to gather in one spot to network and hear about joining OKTA Calgary.


Breakfast Club

Monthly Event, held at 9am every 2nd Saturday of the month. We gather to network and share each others idea and energy.


Other Events

There are many other events that are local, in Canada, in USA and all over the World that OKTA members can participate. Please check them out here.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can OKTA Calgary help my business?

The worldwide network, events that benefit your networking, and educational programs offered locally and worldwide will get you started on your entrepreneurial journey or help you advance on your existing business.

What sets OKTA Calgary apart from other Non-Profit or Networking Groups?

We are a branch from a world wide of network. in 71 countries we have 150 different cities as branches and all of our members share the same network.

Does it cost to join? How do I join?

We do have a membership fee that is paid annually that goes towards all of the events and other benefits you will receive as a WORLD OKTA Calgary Member, You can join by clicking on "Membership" in our main menu.

“Working with OKTA Calgary has been a game-changer for my business. I gained world-wide network that only OKTA has, and with that I made friends and business allies that have helped me tremendously through my entrepreneurial journey.”

Tae Kim, 차세대 대표

Contact us

Have a question or interested in OKTA Calgary? Feel free to reach out to us using the contact form below. We would love to hear from you!


OKTA Calgary
Calgary, AB, Canada

About us

OKTA Calgary focuses all of our member's entrepreneur spirits, energy and attention then funnel it to our members to give, gain and grow together.